Saturday, 2 August 2014



We crossed the white line on the edge of the road that indicates the pavement. We turned off our engines rapidly while being, roughly 60% freaked out and put our raincoats on. (on a scale of being 100% freaked out.)

"Dude, is this really happening!? Just a second earlier, there was not even a slight indication of rain, and now!?" I said to my co author #Ashutosh. He remained passive.

It was raining damn heavily... it was a torrential downpour... Ash and I were caught in this trap laid by the rain. We were on our way to the tuition, and literally it was like a flood out of the blue sky. 
I had never seen it rain so heavily, and so unexpectedly before, in my whole life.

We waited under a what seemed like a banyan tree, cursing  the rains with whatever came into our minds. 

That moment when you're stuck in the rain, and what you can see infront of you, is just the  long white parallel lines retaliating against the ground for a reason incomprehensible. Your Brain Just Loses it.

"What do we do now!? I can't ride as the rain drops will pierce through my eyes any moment now!" I asked Ash, in a voice stammered due to the drenching of my clothes by the freezing cold rain.
Ash, for the first time in the past 2 minutes spoke, disgustedly,
"Lets make a run for it. The Tuition is like 60 meters from this old tree!"
"Are you sure? we might regret this decision later."
"DO WE HAVE A CHOICE!? Ruuuuunnnnn!!!!!"

(Turned out to be a bad decision.)
Yeah, we did really have a BAAAAD DAY. (i dont say!)
We felt like a biscuit dipped in tea. Drenched, from tip-to-toe. The good-old fan from the tuition helped us dry up, just enough. But, the past 30 minutes of the ordeal, right from the instantaneous change in weather to the frost bites we got under the fan in the tuition, did leave a big impact on me. 
(AA-aaa...aa.. AckChoo!- escuse me.)

"Hey, we seemed to have reached a century." Said Ash.
"what!?" I asked in a reflex-y surprise.
"We have over a hundred views of our blog. Quite viral."
"Wow!  now that's a feat!" I added. "So, what's my next mission, admin?"
He gave me a masterful smile and added,


"This is going to be freaking awesome...." I said with a wicked smile.


* Please tune in for the chapters! hope you enjoyed the prologue. Chapters will be  releasing soon! Until then, carry an umbrella and keep reading WRITERS' RETREAT..   


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